Friday, September 5, 2008


I'm back! I am really happy with my trip to HT. First, I stopped off at that pharmacy to see if I could transfer a prescription and was told yes. That will be $25 in a gift card, plus $10 for any additional prescriptions. I have 3 all together that I'll send that way before 9/30/08. There are no limits, however must not have used the HT pharmacy w/in the last six months. Another great way to stretch a buck!

Before my coupons, but after my Vic card, the total was around $72's. After my coupons? $35.15! Not to shabby, if I do say so myself!

The brown sugar is the only thing that I paid full price for (by mistake.) I picked up the wrong bag. However, after all of my savings and coupons, didn't want to put it back. I also did not have a coupon for the Arm & Hammer carpet smelly good stuff, however it was BOGO @ $2.39. Yes, I also had to buy more Kook-Aide, which we don't drink. I will put these in my box for a local food pantry. Here is the rest:

Bush Kidney Beans .80 x's 2
Ken's Dressing Spray buy 1/get 2 free $2.99 (I had 3/$1 q's = All Free.)
Kook-Aid .15 pack x 12
Wheat Thins $2.79 = Free w/ Kraft coupon
All $2.99 sale x 2 (2/$1 q = $2.00 each)
Old El Paso Refried Beans (my fav) $1.49 each x 2 (.55q - doubled = $1.10 off of 2)
Enchilada Sauce (same deal as above.)So both were $3.80 for 2 beans/2 sauces
Underwood Chicken Spread $1.49 x 2 = $3.98 (2q's for .40 each x double)$2.38 for 2
Uncle Bean Rice $2.59 = Free w/ coupon I received in mail
Greased Lighting $4.00/2 (2q's for $1.50 each) I paid .50 per bottle
Fresh Green Chili (bargain fruit area).59 a bag. (Can't wait to roast them.)
Sara Lee Bread $1.99 x 2 = Free w/ 2 q's
Tyson Chicken strips $5.99 (1/$1q) = $5.00 (My teens eat these for snacks.)
Tyson grilled chicken strips $5.99 (1/$1q) = $5.00
Birds Eye Voila bobo $4.99 (2/$1q) = $2.99 There is also a free something that goes with this.
Veggie All Mixed bogo $2.39 ($1/2) = $1.39
Kraft Singles $2.99 = Free w/ q
Oscar Hot Dogs $4.49 = Free w/ q
Kraft Dressing $2.99 = Free w/q

I know, no meat, huh? That is the thing about buying what is on sale, saving it up and playing your coupons at the right time. I do have a good supply of meat for meals and can wait until a good sale.

But wait, there's more!

I also went to Walgreens. If you print a lot of items (coupons, school reports, whatever,) Walgreens is the place to go for ink refills. Their reg. price is really good, however this week it was 50% off! Black Ink $5.00, Color $7.50! Plus, I picked up 3 french bread pizza's for $1 each and 2 chicken fingers for $1.00 each. Total $18.44 w/ tax. I think this is really good because you can NOT buy one ink cartridge for less than $18 bucks!

Till Next time,
Happy Savings!