Friday, September 5, 2008

So, What Do Ya Think?

It is 2:17 in the morning and here I am on my blog! It is really strange how a week goes by so slow when you are at work, however so FAST when you are on vacation! I have only been able to do a few of the things that I have on my list, so that explains why I am up at this crazy hour. One item was to give my blog a new look. Let me know how ya like it!

So, what's going on with the shopping?

Well, I bought a deep freezer today. I feel that I got a good deal at HHGREG. This was my first time at this store. When I compared prices to Lowes, Home Depot and Sears, they beat everyone by about $20 bucks. Best thing was that the freeze fit in my mini-suv, so no charge for dropping it off at my house (savings of $69.00 bucks.)It is 7.5, which is about mid size. This way I can stock pile certain items. I feel that this will really pay for itself.

HOWEVER, before I went to pick up the freezer, I did a bit of shopping!

Excedrin 24ct $1.99 sale price ($2.00 coupon from last shopping trip) = FREE, plus $1 reward (like CVS bucks.)
I also had a rain check for foil .89 cents and string cheese $1.50.

I started off with $4.00 CVS bucks

1 Fbrz notice kit reg price $8.99 / sale price $6.99 / $5.00 coupon = $1.99
4 plastic cups .25 cents each = $1.00 (summer tumbler cups)
4 placstic bowles .25 cents each = $1.00 (summer tumbler bowls)
18 pc of asst candy pops, rings reg price 8.00 / clearnce $2.00 (75% off) This will be sent to my 6 yrs's first grade class, as the teacher asked for small rewards.

Total after cvs bucks $2.46 (.47 was tax)

Now I've got to build up my bucks again!